AO: The Mill

When: 08/14/2021


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Boy-R-Dee, Bunyan, Bushwacker, Dr. Feelgood, Flamer, Kernel, Master Chief, Mater, MoneyBall, Smoke Ring, Sunshine, Yukon Cornelius,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Master Chief

The PAX started the morning off right with a stellar workout. Master Chief almost became a Q spew near the end of this beat down. We started with a classic MC warm-o-rama, followed by a push and pull workout routine, finishing out the workout with hill sprints and 90 lb partner assisted sled drags up the Mill Hill.



  • Bend and Reach 10x
  • Windmill 10x
  • Forward Lunge 10x
  • Squat Bender 10x
  • Rower 10x
  • Prone Row 10x
  • Merkin 10x


  • 1 Minute of Merkins followed by 5 pullups
  • 1 Minute of Wide ArmĀ  Merkins followed by 5 chinups
  • 1 Minute of Diamond Merkins followed by 5 close grip pullups
  • 1 Minute of Creature Merkins Followed by 5 dealers choice pullups
  • 1 minute of Dive Bombers Followed by 5 side pullups
  • 1 minute of Hand Release Merkins followed by 5 dealers choice pullups

(All pullups were partner assisted if needed.)


The Master Chief didn’t know it yet, but this workout was going to do him in and the PAX something fierce.

Two PAX would drag a 90lb sled up the hill and back. The other packs would sprint the hill. The sled would be passed along the PAX until all PAX had dragged the sled up the hill. After completion 1 minute of rest. This was done for 3 rounds.

And finally, we took a short mosey back to the flag and finished the beat down with 2 minutes of imperial walkers.

Although, Master Chief was close to Q spewing. He did not.

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